Speed Search

Speed Search
List: Master Thief Arcane Grifter
Cost: 6
Prereqs: Rogue Basic Career Skill List, Evaluate Item
Skill Type: Dexterity
Tagged: No
Purchase: Once
Duration: Constant

With this skill, the character is able to completely search an immobile – Unconscious, paralyzed, bound, etc. – character in 10 seconds. One hand must be in contact with the target character while calling “Speed Search 1, Speed Search 2… Speed Search 10”. The 10 seconds should be accompanied by an in-game frisking starting at the head or feet and continuing along the body, as the skill is easily recognizable as a frenzied search. The target must give up any ingame items they have in their possession, except those hidden by magical means or items that are attuned. Items located inside the searched character, swallowed items for example, are revealed as such, but the character must remove the item after the search is completed.

Only one character can search another character at a time. The target character is easily recognizable as having been searched.

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